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  • Offer - Free shipping

    Free Shipping

    Free Shipping on all Products for 950 EGP orders all over Egypt.
    Use code: Free

    + 50 EGP discount on 1500 EGP orders.
    Use code: 50off

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  • Bullet Journal 10% Discount Offer

    Order a bundle of 6 Journals and get 10% off

    (Add the 6 items to the cart and discount will be applied automatically on checkout.)

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  • Journal Bundle - 6 Bullet Journal notebooks 7% discount SketchBook Stationery

    Journals 7% Discount Offer

    Order a bundle of 6 Journals and get 7% off

    (Add the 6 items to the cart and discount will be applied automatically on checkout.)

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  • The To Do List Bundle - 8 To Do List notebooks 10% discount SketchBook Stationery

    The To Do List 10% Discount Offer

    Order a bundle of 8 To Do List and get 10% off

    (Add the 8 items to the cart and discount will be applied automatically on checkout.)

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